Will you get outdoor furniture?
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Will you get outdoor furniture?


Probably not, do you? Let’s break it down then. On a summer day when the sun warming your body in the early morning, would you prefer to drink your hot beverages inside or outside with the sun heating up your body and have that nice warm feeling?


I would prefer to spend my morning outside, let me explain why. The air is fresher of course. Summer only comes once every year, so I have an urgency to take it all in while it lasts. And turns out, it’s not that expensive to get an outdoor sofa/chairs with a coffee table if you know which businesses to go with.


Oh! the nostalgia of reading a newspaper outside with a coffee next to you (pardon my generation) and the freedom that I would feel knowing I can always spend my time outside when the weather is nice and warm. Then again, it’s just me, what do you think?


Bramandyo Pratama

One Tree Hill resident